Gloria Reneau

Gloria Reneau is the Director of Human Resources at Redbud Advisors, where she ensures the well-being of the Redbud team and Redbud’s clients and plays a lead operational role.

Gloria has a background in administration and criminal investigations, which gives her a knack for procedure and detail. Prior to joining Redbud, she worked in the U.S. federal court system, where she served as a probation officer and courtroom deputy for Austin’s U.S. district judges. At Redbud, Gloria’s roles include managing the team and office, overseeing compliance, and supporting various client services.

Gloria graduated from Texas A&M Kingsville with a B.S. in Criminal Justice, and attended the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Charleston, South Carolina. She stays busy with her son’s school and caring for her daughter, the newest member of her family. Gloria is training for her fifth half marathon – she hasn’t committed to a full marathon because, in her words, she’s only “half crazy.”

B.S., Criminal Justice